Monday 8 July 2013

Style Event - EVERYTHING

Last Friday 5th July, I attended the 'Everything' event which I'd been very kindly invited to by an organiser and I had a blast!

It was everything I expected and everything I didn't. I knew it would be creative and entertaining but I didn't imagine I'd be wowed by the range of artistry on display.

From short film productions to photography to paintings to sculpture to the fashion show finale, it was well worth my time. Let's not forget Mr. DJ's fresh eclectic choice of music...

The weather was of such loveliness, it only heightened the cool vibe...did someone say to me we hit 23degreesC that day?

Here are photos of my favorite looks at the fashion show and some of the works of art on display. For more info on the designers/artists, go to the 'Everything.' facebook page.


  1. Wow! Very well done!

  2. Creative. Who is the designer anyway?

  3. 1&4 Tracey Bruce
    2&3 Laura Sherriffs
    5&6 Natalie Anderson
    7-10 Aymee Charlton

    1. Thanks Tracey, I was getting a bit frantic trying to get the information :)

  4. I'm well impressed. The clothes look really tidy
