Sunday 29 September 2013

Street Style - Cassidy

Cassidy was such a bundle of fun to feature. She works in fashion (pretty obvious, no?) and I spotted her in AB10 in Union Square; which is where her cool studded check shirt is from.

Altogether a great looking no muss no fuss outfit on a great looking girl.

By the way, I thought she may have been originally American because of her name, she told me she gets that question a lot but she's good old Scottish. Curious me went online and discovered Cassidy is actually an Irish name meaning "clever"or "curly-haired". There you have it. Random knowledge gained :)

I love her palladium boots so snooped around online and found a similar pair at the PALLADIUM online store here.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Street Style - Fiona

Love this quirky cool outfit. It helps that she's quite the beauty as well.

Fiona's fabulous bag has an equally fabulous story to it...

So she was at work and saw this elderly lady with the bag, she said it was lovely and asked where it was from; lady said it was handmade in Mexico; lady subsequently handed it to Fiona as a gift; Fiona cried.

Aaaaaaah...we always love a happy ending.

Enjoy :)


Monday 23 September 2013

Style Event - Blush Boutique Exclusive Cocktail Opening

I received a swanky invitation for the BLUSH BOUTIQUE preview opening night. Went along with my friend Sally and we had a fantastic time.

Laura Hepburn, the store owner, was an amazing hostess and gave her guests a good...
night in with lively chat and attention.

There was a cool DJ, a cocktail bar by 10 DOLLAR SHAKE, cupcakes, good company and then the gorgeous clothes and accessories...of which we all got a discount for purchases on the day. Ha!

I have to say, even without the discount, the prices of the clothes and accessories were very reasonable and you all should give the boutique a stop over. For those outside the UK, they intend to start online shopping soon.

I got a gorgeous number for a steal of a price. Will be sharing pics of that soon.

So here are photos from the night, some of my favorite pieces, and some of the very cool people I met.


You need to see what this black dress looks like when worn, it's on the Blush Boutique facebook page. FAB!

This was the "Blush Martini" made by 10 Dollar Shake. 'Twas headily sweet and quite alright for a lightweight like me :)

And here's Laura, boutique owner. Her dress is available to buy in store.

Laura's mom and Jackie. Now...Laura's mom was ah-may-zing! She made us feel like we were all just good friends of her daughter who'd come over for (some very glamorous) tea. We heart Laura's mom

Nicola's dress is also available to buy in store. She says she felt fantastic wearing it. Well she certainly looks fantastic too.

There are too many reasons why I love this clutch purse, but most of all that handle...great as an added accessory for the fingers and could be handy as a girl's security measure ;)

Fabulous, bubbly Jackie...and she said "No wahala" when I said I'll see her later...awwww...(yeah private lingo only for the cool crowd...**insert cheesy grin**)

Black is beautiful. End of ;)

Cheryl (gorgeous isn't she?) is the in-house hair stylist for Blush. The idea is for you to get your outfit and glam hair all under the same roof, and then you're ready for your night out. Love it!

That clutch purse again....

What's your favourite part of this photo? :)

Thursday 19 September 2013

Street Style - Throw Back Thursday

Okay. First the academics of Throw Back Thursday (sometimes called #tbt)...for those who don't know this term, it means "a weekly post theme that social media users participate in as part of a very general "throwback" activity for posting content usually from the past" - Source Webtrends

Now that we got that out of the way....

I took this photo in the thick of the summer months, possibly June. Loved the dress and gold detailing from earrings to belt to sandals. And that hair...Ladies and gentlemen, what about that hair??!!

I was going to walk up to her to request "posy" pictures but the profile from where I stood seemed to good to resist; and sometimes that's street style. And so I clicked.

Enjoy ;)

Monday 9 September 2013

Style Food - Heart-warming watermelon

 "5-a-day". We've all heard it over and over, so 'fess many of you actually dig into your fruits and veggies enough to comply with this ubiquitous rule?

You don't have to answer that :) If you're anything like yours truly, munching on fruits and veggies can be a bit of a bore and chore (sorry kind doctors and nutritionists).
Also a bit difficult getting the little ones to adopt the healthy ways when one struggles to personally submit...sigh...

Beautiful, no?

Anyway, here's an idea for you to make it more fun and worthwhile. Use a cookie cutter! Ground-breaking it may not be but it certainly worked for me :)

Several shape options are available, but I love LOVE and all things lovey so of course I went with heart shapes...

You can get a set of 6 from our local HOBBYCRAFT at Union Square for just £3.69 or get it from their online store here.

This is the HOBBYCRAFT cookie cutter I recommend

The desired perfect heart-shaped gap :)

The rest of the watermelon should not be wasted...the sacrilege! Please do peel and toss into your blender to get some watermelon juice, or even mix it up with other fruits to create la smoothie.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Street Style - Ant-Ian

Simple and comfy classics like skinny jeans and a blazer should be a staple for every woman methinks.

And if you can throw in a lush PRADA bag like Ant-Lai's, then why not? Afterall we don't just...
carry handbags around to organise and contain our stuff...oh no no! They also kinda reflect our style and personality.

Ant-Lai's look is spot on for shopping days.

Enjoy :)

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Street Style - Man in Green

So Wikipedia says "Green is the color most commonly associated in Europe and the U.S. with nature, vivacity and life".

If you look anything like this in green, then yes please!

Enjoy :)

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Street Style - Sarah

The individuality of this whole ensemble could not be missed. I spotted the quirky cool Sarah in Union Square and was mighty pleased she let me take her photo.

From the hi-lo skirt to the floral head-piece to the booties, I love love love her look!
BUT for me, the bag (or purse to Americans) was the star attraction. I asked, and she got it from an indie seller on ebay...darn!

Enjoy :)..

Individuality at its best :)

Seriously, I need to bag me that bag...

How cute are her coloured ankle bands?

Monday 2 September 2013

Street Style - Simonetta

Okay, you know when you meet someone and you just KNOW you will never forget that person?Well that's how I felt after meeting Simonetta. So much life packed into one person, we chatted as I clicked and laughed and enjoyed every second of it all.

She's style. And she's substance.