Monday 9 September 2013

Style Food - Heart-warming watermelon

 "5-a-day". We've all heard it over and over, so 'fess many of you actually dig into your fruits and veggies enough to comply with this ubiquitous rule?

You don't have to answer that :) If you're anything like yours truly, munching on fruits and veggies can be a bit of a bore and chore (sorry kind doctors and nutritionists).
Also a bit difficult getting the little ones to adopt the healthy ways when one struggles to personally submit...sigh...

Beautiful, no?

Anyway, here's an idea for you to make it more fun and worthwhile. Use a cookie cutter! Ground-breaking it may not be but it certainly worked for me :)

Several shape options are available, but I love LOVE and all things lovey so of course I went with heart shapes...

You can get a set of 6 from our local HOBBYCRAFT at Union Square for just £3.69 or get it from their online store here.

This is the HOBBYCRAFT cookie cutter I recommend

The desired perfect heart-shaped gap :)

The rest of the watermelon should not be wasted...the sacrilege! Please do peel and toss into your blender to get some watermelon juice, or even mix it up with other fruits to create la smoothie.


  1. Great idea! Thanks, will check hobbycraft and try this

    1. Hi Pam, you're very welcome. You can share pics of your own version when you're done. Send to email :)

  2. LOL I love the idea

  3. LoL @ Sacrilege. The pictures are just beautiful.
    Cool idea. I'm going to try this on pineapple, freeze, and use to jazz up my water. I think the shapes will look really pretty through the glass. Maybe too pretty to drink... :-)

    1. Hahahaha! I know "sacrilege" was a tad dramatic but let it not be said that good fruit went to waste on my watch!

      Loving your pineapple jazzed water idea. Enjoy it :)

  4. Oh what a cute treat. I already have cutters so can do this tonight. Very nice

  5. I tried it, turned out too messy, maybe my watermelon was too soft :(
