Thursday 19 September 2013

Street Style - Throw Back Thursday

Okay. First the academics of Throw Back Thursday (sometimes called #tbt)...for those who don't know this term, it means "a weekly post theme that social media users participate in as part of a very general "throwback" activity for posting content usually from the past" - Source Webtrends

Now that we got that out of the way....

I took this photo in the thick of the summer months, possibly June. Loved the dress and gold detailing from earrings to belt to sandals. And that hair...Ladies and gentlemen, what about that hair??!!

I was going to walk up to her to request "posy" pictures but the profile from where I stood seemed to good to resist; and sometimes that's street style. And so I clicked.

Enjoy ;)


  1. Ladylike chic. I want that dress!

  2. Summery. I like it.

  3. I call this floaty and romantic. Very nice hair too

  4. Sharona from Russia24 September 2013 at 09:47

    What a cute dress
