Thursday 13 February 2014

I went to the didn't come to me

Not that I mean to start to wax poetic but today, I feel the need to type a bit of a longer narrative than I usually do.

You see I know most people who visit street style blogs are there for the style photos, which is why I try to keep my text to a minimum, however the last few days watching the news has given me a reason to chat with you, my dear blog visitors, a little bit more.

Aberdeen is grey. Fact. The weather here is hardly a California dream. Okay. And we grumble about how "rubbish" it is. I'm guilty too. But seeing the floods going on in England gave me perspective. And if you're reading this thinking I'm about to go into a tirade of how lucky we are in Aberdeen blah-di-blah-di-blah...well...truth're absolutely right.

We went to the little rocky beach at the end of Cove Bay and it was a gorgeous, sunny (but cooooold) day. Watching the waves and throwing pebbles into the water, it was fab.

BUT I went to the didn't come to flood my home and destabilise my core, as is happening to our neighbours in England. Let's save a thought and a prayer for them, surely it cannot be easy. And then there are all the other extreme weather conditions we see on the news in other parts of the world.

So my point is this...I decided I might take a departure from the norm of my brief statements, to express my refreshed love for the city we live in.

I don't know...Do you see it the way I do?


Love and lots of it xxx


  1. OMG I love this post

  2. Great perspective and the photos are gorgeous. Well done

  3. Aberdeen to me is always beautiful

  4. I miss Scotland :(

  5. Nice to see some photos of nature nice to think of the people I'm.n Engkand

  6. This is so nice to read.
