Saturday 19 April 2014


This here Yasmin is part Singaporean, part Scottish.

When asked what brand her coat, shoes, jeans or t-shirt are, she smiled sweetly and said "I'm a Topshop girl". Essentially, the entire ensemble was bought from the one store. Made me wonder about brand loyalty...and loyalty to what you love in general.

You see, I love Aberdeen, but if you've seen my bio here on the blog, you'd know I'm not originally from here. I've just come from a treat of a holiday in my home country. And it was bliss. And I love Aberdeen. But I suspect I can't do a Yasmin for much longer. It seems to me that I can no longer get that all-in-one satisfaction from one place like she does with Topshop.

I may stay, I may go. These are just thoughts in progress. We can talk about that later.

But for now let's just view Yasmin's style loveliness and be inspired for spring with faux fur.

Enjoy xxx


  1. Been waiting for a post for days. She is so lovely.

  2. She's a real beauty. The coat looks so chic. Well done.
