Saturday 31 August 2013

Style Food - The Courtyard

A dinner party was had for my good friends who got engaged. We were at THE COURTYARD, here in Aberdeen, located on a very quaint cobbled lane (1, Alford Lane) in the West End.

The food was generally well received by everyone; we were about 20; the service was faultless and our meals came on time but with enough of an interval to allow for chats in between.

Oh and the best part was there's a private room upstairs to accommodate a noisy bunch...which of course we were :)

I'd go again. Definitely.

We were given these haggis balls with cream, all on the house...very interesting taste...still on the fence about that one

Taste buds were pleased :)

The scallops starter...that sauce at the bottom was the star of the entire production

Aaaaaah the steak and chunky choice, always and forever

That's how you do a salmon dish...this right here...was impeccable

Was a bit too sweet for me but my unrepentantly cavity-filled sister thought it was the bees knees. There you go...

That cheesecake was sinfully delicious


  1. I went with my husband after I saw this and I must say the food was perfect

  2. Fantastic! everything looks so yummy, i will try this place for my birthday :)

  3. Interesting. And now I'm hungry

  4. It's close to where I work, never been but I should try it now. Looks good

  5. I like the look of this, but I love food anyway :)

  6. Oh dear, this makes me so hungry
